Exciting News! Our Gainesville Office has moved to Bristow – November 11th!  9450 Innovation Drive, Manassas, VA 20110.  Same great providers and care team. Same exceptional care. New, larger space to better serve our patients.

anti-B7-H3 antibody DS-5573a

An antibody directed against the immunoregulatory protein B7-homologue 3 (B7-H3, CD276), with potential immunostimulating and antineoplastic activities. Upon intravenous administration, anti-B7-H3 antibody DS-5573a binds to the cell surface antigen B7-H3, thereby blocking B7-H3-mediated signaling. This abrogates the inhibitory effect on T-cell activation and may activate the immune system to exert a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response against B7-H3-expressing tumor cells. B7-H3, a type I transmembrane protein and a member of the B7 co-stimulatory protein superfamily, is overexpressed on certain tumor cell types and on various immune cells. It is a negative regulator of the T-cell activation and and its overexpression plays a key role in tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Check for active clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

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